Saturday, December 15, 2012

i don't need another catalyst to my curviness

Honestly, a few things happened last week that I wanted to blog - or rather, vent - about but I couldn't because after one thing happens another.

My band will be having a music camp and a concert night associating with it. The disappointing part is the concert is on the day that I need to went back to Kedah. I want to perform for that night sooo much. It's like a once in a lifetime experience. I couldn't say if there will be another one in the future. I could vent on this longer but the feeling is gone. I no longer feel mad or sad about it, just merely accepting the fact that I can't change fate.

Going on a happier topic, in a few days, my cousin is having his wedding reception with maroon as the theme. Since we were notified late, we decided to attend wearing brown. So that got crossed out of the shopping list. 
Next year, two of my cousins are getting married and one of them who is a she, will be having two different event with different theme. The first one is purple,and I tried to look one for that but I couldn't find anything that interest me so I'll just wear my sister's clothes that she doesn't want to wear. The second theme is pink which I got my hand on a fabulous light pink with gray embroidery baju kurung. I feel so happy getting my hand on a perfect outfit. The last one is gray themed, which I bought a patterned baju kurung and a little bit of green and red spots. I don't like dark colors so my objective is to find a gray outfit with vibrant colors like pink or purple or yellow or red or green. But the ones out there is always so monotones. I don't work with monotones. And that's the best I can get.

But I realized something during the search for the perfect outfit, I don't like modern baju kurung. Yes, it shows a lot of curves of someone but I already have a bold curve I don't need another catalyst of my curve-ness. The perfect one, the pink one is a kurung pahang and I immediately fell in love with that cut. Kurung pahang 4LYFE!

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