Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dance in the Rain

I know I've been gone for so long. You see ah, last week, I went back to Kedah for my cousin's wedding. Only me, mah sis, mah bro and dad went back. Older sis had SPM to go to so mom cant follow along. Our family side theme is purple and so we were like proudly purple-ie at the time of wedding. It was quite nice, being held in an indoor hall and not outdoor. It's like rainy season this time of the year, and I oppose if anyone consider doing outdoors. You want us to dance in the rain or wut?

Anyway, it was a good get together event. The day before the reception, my uncle told us that his daughter is gonna get married end of next year, and so is his adopted daughter and so is my male cousin and lalalala.... wow everyone had grown so much. People are actually starting to get married. I feel old and young at the same time. You know what I mean?

Alright, understood.

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